Thursday, August 2, 2012


Bast or Bastet. She is Egytian Goddess,  she has cat head actually but i prefer to draw her like a human.
I drew her after i read Kane Chronicles so maybe she has the same image as Bast in the book.

I just realize that she has not enough make up as the Goddess of Marriage.
But i put a mole on her cheek so she would look as old as my Mom. 
Yeah, hello Mom.

She is Goddess of Rainbow. She is cheerful, young, has rainbow colored hair.
Sounds cute.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


As my promise in i would upload pictures of goddess to this blog and.. 
Here they are! Ahaha.
I made them a year ago in the middle of class.
Yeah, i love that moment when i must drawing without any teacher caught me... . . . . 

Here's Aphrodite, Goddess of beauty. 
She is beautiful, and she loves cheating.
In my imagination, she has wavy hair, wears sexy dress and too much make up but still, she looks beautiful that the Gods want her as their wife.

 Persephone, daughter of harvest goddess Demeter, she is associated with spring and with the seeds of the fruits of the fields.
She was forced to marry Hades, the King of Underworld. 
Uh i hate you, Hades. :( 
In my imagination, she has long hair and green dress, she loves flowers so 
she will put flowers in her hair and bring flowers everywhere. 
Flowers blossom in every her step.

Artemis, my favorite Goddess. She is Goddess of hunting, associated with the moon.
Artemis is one of virgin Goddess.
She looks cool, doesn't talk too much, and wears white dress.
She brings a silver bow to hunt. Sounds cool right?

Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Hai Manteman. Konon katanya ceunah, di Universitas tempat saia akan belajar nanti, bukunya pake bahasa Inggris loh.
Karena itu saia mau mencoba pakai bahasa Inggris di blog ini. Saia semacem mau mengasah skill Inggris saia loh. Biarlah bila mereka berkata aku sok inggris atau grammarnya payah atau miskin kosakata. Toh ini blog blog saia muahahahahahaha.
Good day.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Adik Saia :P

Gambar ini sebenernya adalah request dari dede gw si Icha. Dia uda lama banget minta digambarin ama gua. Aslinya gua gambarin muka Sakoh gua. Ngga dijadiin manga gini sih, gw bikin semirip mungkin ama aslinya, terus pas uda jadi, si Icha minta dibikinin juga yang kaya gitu.

Masalahnya. Adalah. Gua males sangat ngegambar beneran kaya gitu teh. Susah. Kalo bikin manga teh bisa sesuka hati gw aja. Kalo nggambar kaya gitu teh... yah gitulah. Susah pokonya.

Jadi akhirnya gua nggambar muka si Icha pake versi manganya aja. Uda gitu si Nadya envy minta dibikinin juga. Jadi deh gambar di atas. Hahahaha.

Ini nih gambar yang gw bikin buat Sakoh gua, yang bikin si Icha pengen digambarin juga.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Malaikat Seram

Maksud hati menggambar malaikat. Apa daya jadinya seram begini =.="

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Nyalin gambarnya Arina Tanemura, dari komik Full Moon Wo Sagashite. Gambar si Arina teh bagus da kata gua mah. Sayang cerita2nya gua ga suka. Ga nyambung. Maksa. Yang uda mati hidup lagi lah. Aneh. Belo? On.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Bunga mawar. Ini gua bikin pas masih les ama Lashi Mu Yen.
Tentu pake conto. Huhahahaha